A, Products Brief:
B, Products specifioations:
- Spanner’s square head of bearing put into socket with the tire nut, which is needed twisting off.
- swaying the handle along with socket moving way but it’s opposite way with spanner foot’s waving way. And the fulcrum should choose the waving ahead nut.
- when need twist off the dextral nut, swaying the handle according anticlockwise. And the spanner foot moves as clockwise way. And the fulcrum should choose the waving ahead nut.
- when need twist off the levo nut, swaying the handle according clockwise. And the spanner foot moves as anti-clockwise. Way.
- when need screw the dextral nut, sway the handle as clockwise way, panner’s foot moves as anti-clockwise way. And the swaying ahead nut is fulcrum.
- when need screw the levo nut, sway the handle as anti-clockwise way, spanner’s foot moves as clockwise way. And the swaying ahead nut is fulcrum.
- During operation, first put the handle into the small input roller, fixing it with nut, when twist off the nut, using the slow speed ( pull the roller out ) twist the nut off, when feeling without some resisting force, changed into the high speed ( push the roller into ), now can quickly twist the nut off. Otherwise, screw the nut, fisrt use the high speed. After feel,ng there have some resistant force, changed into the slowspeed, and slowly screw the nut.
C, Trans-speed ratio: 1:3:8 ( HIGH SPEED ) 1:56 ( slow speed )
Total lenght: 380mm
Output torque : 3000N.m
Net weight: 6.5Kgs
Handle: 0.75Kgs
Gross weight: 8Kgs
Application socket: 17#-41#
D, Pay attention:
1. Before using, please check out the nut swaying way.
2. Screw the nut should be suitable,
the force on swaying handle no more than 25Kgs,
and it’s output wrest distance is about 3500N.M, enough to screw or twist off the nut.
3. rightly use the high speed and slow speed, at light resisting force, use high speed, quickly screw or twist off the nut, improve the effects, at heavy resisting force, use slow speed.
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4_Anahtarı kapalı çevirmeniz gerektiğinde saat yönüne göre elle çevirin. Ayaklar saat yönünün tersine hareketlenir.
5-Somunu sağa çevirmek gerektiğinde, anahtarın ayakları saat yönünün tersine hareket alır. Sallanan başlık dayanak noktasıdır.
6-Somunu çıkarmak istediğimizde saat yönünün tersine çevirin anahtarın ayakları saat yönünde hareketlenir. Dayanak noktasını sallayarak seçin.